Thursday, August 11, 2005

I Am The Ultimate Dork Mom

My children have the ultimate Dork Mom. I can prove it to you.

For my birthday (I'll be 32), I asked for a microscope. How dorky is that??? What's even dorkier, is that I think this could be the best birthday gift ever! My birthday isn't until September, but since this was going to be a major science apparatus for our Fish & Crustacean study, I got to open it last night.

This microscope is a techno-geek dream. If there are any other techno-geek moms, first I'd love to hear from you, and second, if you don't already have this, you've got to get it. I'm referring to the DM-52 Digital Microscope. This is the answer to the age old problem of young children and microscope viewing. Plug this puppy into your laptop or computer and you've got an instant big screen look at whatever is on the slide - perfect clarity.

Not only that, but you can capture the image and save it as a .jpg on your computer for printing later. You can even create video.

Ken and I sat for the better part of almost two hours looking through slides last night. (I'm not the only techno-geek)

This was well worth the investment, and I can't say enough about the freebies the vendor throws in! Visit

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