Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Add 2 Praying Mantis to Our List of Pets

In a desperate effort to get myself and the kids out in this stifling heat, we all headed out to the flower garden with our clippers to deadhead the stalks of our bee balm, lambs ear and daylillies. I've been staring at the remains for weeks, but couldn't bear the thought of going out in the strong heat of day with this pregnancy.

We were all red faced and dripping with sweat when we made the discovery of two young praying mantis' moving along the daylillies. With a spare 10 gallon tank available, we decided to give the mantis' a luxury bug box, filled with rich soil, logs, sticks, grass, water, bee balm stalks and for fun...sand and shells. We'll probably release them in a week or two, but so far it has been a great education to watch their fascination behavior.

Now the hard part...finding food so they don't eat each other.

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