Experiencing Our First Transition in Studies
I'm like a kid in a candy store. After our first trimester of homeschooling, things have gone wildly well. Without a doubt the Montessori and Charlotte Mason road has been a successful and alluring road. The kids have been chomping at the bit to begin our butterfly study, as they watch me pull out the library books, games, posters, stickers, cards, etc. We're still awaiting more boxes, and posters for some of our studies.
The last two days have been spent reorganizing and refreshing the room for the new term. Scrounging for lost game pieces under furniture, packing away our bird study items, and renewing our table trays with new Montessori oriented tasks. We're still not done. It never seems to end as the closet is still unwalkable after a few spills (courtesy of Gracie), and the giant heap on the rocker (courtesy me).
But we are almost there!